02 喜怒哀乐(9 / 15)

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  nick: there are also demotions in our company. the manager of the financial department was changed two months ago.
  kent: the personnel system of our company is fair. the more capable you are, the higher position you will have.
  nick: what's your plan of your promotion,kent?
  kent: i don't have any plan for the moment. i think what i should do now is to get the work done well within my duty.
  nick: yes, i agree with you. success comes from hard work.
  1. appoint [??p?int] v. 任命,委派;确定,指定,约定
  2. expectation [?ekspek?tei??n] n. 预料,期望,有信心的指望
  3. transfer [tr?ns?f?:] v. 转移,迁移;转让;n. 转移,转让;换乘,改变路线
  4. promotion [pr??m?u??n] n. 提升,晋级;宣传,推销
  5. demotion [di'm?u??n] n. 降级
  6. personnel [?p?:s??nel] n.(总称)人员,员工,人事部门
  7. personnel system 人事制度
  8. for the moment 目前,暂时
  we often practice a skeptical attitude towards ourselves or others consciously or unconsciously. self-skepticism is the sign of lacking confidence while doubting others is due to the lack of trust in them. we would never imagine the skepticism would lead some astoundingly negative consequences. self-skepticism would discourage our inner confidence and torture us in the shadow of failure, while doubting others would make us feel lack of security and live in the state of danger presumed by ourselves.
  may looks in a bad mood.
  jenny: you look not good today. are you sick?
  may: no, i'm fine, just feel a little worried. ↑返回顶部↑
