02 喜怒哀乐(8 / 15)

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  3. substantial [s?b?st?n??l] adj. 坚固的,结实的;大量的,可观的;重大的,重要的;实质的;基本的,大体上的
  4. successively [s?k?sesivli] adv. 连续地,相继地
  5. come up with 想出
  6. value [?v?lju] n. 价值,价格;重要性;价值观;职业道德;v. 估价;重视;尊重
  7. admittable [?d'mit?bl] adj. 允许的;有进入资格的
  8. permit [p??mit] v. 允许,许可;n. 许可,许可证,执照
  1. i'm itching to see my parents. we haven't met for three years.
  2. i can't wait to see it.
  3. i can hardly wait to see them!
  4. my heart itches for the travel to beijing already.
  5. the colleagues are champing to start.
  6. my children fell over backwards to get the party ready.
  7. hold on a minute. you're jumping the gun.
  kent and nick are talking about their company's personnel changes.
  kent: henry was appointed as the sales manager yesterday.
  nick: i've heard about it. it is out of my expectation. he has just been transferred to the sales department for several weeks. but he is the manager now.
  kent: his promotion is so quick. he must have a very strong ability on marketing. ↑返回顶部↑
