02 喜怒哀乐(10 / 15)

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  jenny: what do you worry?
  may: the manager always shouted at me when i talked to him. i think he must be very unsatisfied with me.
  jenny: well, take it easy. i even can't count the times that he has yelled at me. sometimes he's just in a bad mood.
  may: hope he will not fire me.
  jenny: no, you have done your work very well. he will not dismiss you. you will be accustomed to it if you get familiar with his temperament.
  may: oh, i see.
  jenny: my suggestion is that the most important thing is to concentrate yourself on your job now, and anything else is secondary.
  may: i see, thank you, jenny.
  1. shout at sb. 朝某人大吼,大声嚷嚷
  2. count [kaunt] v. 数,点……的数目,计算;把……算入;看作;n. 计数,总数;事项;罪状
  3. yell [jel] v. 喊叫,嚎叫;大声说;n. 叫喊,号叫
  4. mood [mu:d] n. 心情,情绪;语气
  5. be accustomed to 习惯于
  6. temperament [?temp?r?m?nt] n. 性格,性情;气质
  7. concentrate [?k?ns?ntreit] v. 专心于,注意;集中,聚集
  8. concentrate on 专心于,把思想集中于
  1. i'm insecure about my future.
  2. i'm uneasy about the future. ↑返回顶部↑
