04 销售服务(3 / 5)

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  seller: also, i found that there are many documents in your c disk. and that's also a reason that your computer works slow.
  sally: you mean the documents should not be set up in c disk?
  seller: yes, the c disk is mainly for the systems. you can change the route to other disks if you set up documents.
  sally: i got it. could you help me with the c disk this time?
  seller: no problem.
  1. freeze [fri:z] v.(使)结冰;n. 冻结,冰冻;凝固,静止
  2. hardware [?hɑ:dw??] n. 硬件
  3. virus [?vai?r?s] n. 病毒,病毒性疾病;恶毒,恶意
  4. infect [in?fekt] v.(受)传染;污染;影响
  5. activate [??ktiveit] v. 使活动,起动;触发,激活
  6. efficientl [i'fi??ntli] adv.效率高地,有效地
  7. validity [v??liditi] n. 有效(期),效力,合法性;正当,正确
  8. route [ru:t] n. 路,路途,路线,路程
  1. i often maintain my computer occasionally at certain intervals.
  2. what is the validity of this tv?
  3. please keep your warranty card well. you need to show that when you want a maintaining service.
  4. have you finished the repairing of my car?
  5. it is always free of charge whenever you need a repair.
  随时免费进行维修。 ↑返回顶部↑
