03 入住酒店(5 / 7)

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  stuff: i think you may need a porter with your belongings, madam.
  joan: i'll appreciate that. thanks a lot.
  stuff: that's my pleasure.
  1. insulation [?insju?lei??n] n. 隔离;隔绝;绝缘;隔音;绝缘、隔热或隔音等的材料
  2. balcony [?b?lk?ni] n. 阳台;(电影院等的)楼厅,楼座
  3. porter ['p?:t?] n. 搬运工人
  4. appreciate [??pri:?ieit] v. 感激,感谢;欣赏,赏识,重视;v.(使)增值,涨价
  1. i need a cleaner to tidy up my room.
  2. there's no hot water here. please send a bottle of hot water up.
  3. i have the clothes to be washed here. please send them to the laundry.
  4. the light in my room is broken. and it needs to be changed.
  5. my computer can't connect with the web. can you have a check for me?
  henry is in the service hall for checking out.
  henry: i'm checking out now. may i have the bill, please?
  waiter: sure. what's your room number,sir?
  侍者:好的,先生。您的房间号是多少? ↑返回顶部↑
