01 社会热点(8 / 9)

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  mary: i can't afford that high price. my purse is almost empty now.
  ada: are you a moonlite, too?
  mary: yeah, i'm forced to be a moonlite.there's little money left by the end of each month.
  ada: me, too. the price of the goods is too high. i almost can't afford it.
  mary: i have the same feeling with you. the cost of life is almost unaffordable to me.
  ada: the inflation and the low income make life harder than before.
  mary: we should ask the manager to raise our salaries.
  ada: it'll be no more better if our requests can be fulfilled.
  1. afford [??f?:d] v. 买得起,担负得起;提供,给予
  2. force [f?:s] v. 强迫,逼迫;用力推动;n. 军队;暴力
  3. inflatio [in?flei??n] n.通货膨胀
  4. income [?ink?m] n. 收入,所得,收益
  5. salary [?s?l?ri] n. 薪金,薪水
  1. i ask my boss to raise my salary.
  2. workers strongly demand for a higher salary.
  3. what is your opinion about pay raise?
  4. the price begins to soar. ↑返回顶部↑
