01 社会热点(7 / 9)

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  jim: the problem of chinese food safety is very serious now. have you still remembered the contaminated milk powder incident in 2008? it really shocked the whole country. millions of people, especially the infants, have become the victims of that.
  kane: that was really a big problem. fortunately my families had never bought that brand of milk powder.
  jim: that was lucky. shall we go to my house to cook our dinner?
  kane: good idea.
  1. immoral [i?m?r?l] adj. 不道德的
  2. deceitful [di?si:tful] adj. 欺诈的,奸诈的
  3. contaminate [k?n?t?mineit] v. 弄脏,污染
  4. incident [?insid?nt] n. 事件,发生的事;事变
  5. infant [?inf?nt] n. 婴儿,幼儿;adj. 婴儿的;幼稚的,初期的
  6. victim [?viktim] n. 牺牲品,受害者
  gutter oil
  “gutter oil” is made from discarded cooking oil and kitchen waste, which come mainly from restaurants such as cafeterias and canteens, but also from sewers.
  that waste cooking oil is toxic undoubtfully. after being used many times in restaurants, cooking oil produces harmful substances like fatty and trans fattyacids, and even strong carcinogens like flavacol.
  mary likes a handbag very much, but she can't afford it.
  mary: i really want to get that handbag. it's pretty beautiful.
  ada: so why not buy it? you can get it right now if you buy it.
  艾达:那你为什么不买呢?你要买的话现在就可以得到它。 ↑返回顶部↑
