05 网上购物(4 / 6)

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  postman: hello, is this lisa's office?
  lisa: yes, i'm lisa.
  postman: here's an express mail for you.
  lisa: ok, thank you. oh, it's the camera that i bought on the internet.
  postman: please sign your name here.
  lisa: can i open the box to check the camera before signing it? i want to make sure if the product is the one i bought and it is real.
  postman: sure, you can open it now.
  lisa: yeah, that's it, 10 million pixels, a 3-inch lcd screen, and short-term video recording, good performance. should i sign my name here?
  postman: yes, thanks.
  1. express [iks?pres] n. 特快发送,〈英〉快运;快车;adj. 特快的,高速的
  v. 快运;表达,表示,陈述;adv. 用快递方式
  2. camera [?k?m?r?] n. 照相机;摄影机;电视摄影机
  3. pixel [?piks?l] n.(显示器或电视机图像的)像素
  4. performance [p??f?:m?ns] n. 性能;工作情况;演出;履行,执行;表现;行为,成就
  5. recording [ri?k?:di?] n. 记录,录音,录像;唱片,录制品;adj. 记录的,录音的,录影的
  1. this is not the same goods with the picture that i have seen on the internet.
  2. please sign your name here to complete the delivery of the goods.
  请在这儿签上名字,就能完成货物的寄送。 ↑返回顶部↑
