04 销售服务(5 / 5)

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  2. cause [k?:z] n. 原因,起因;事业;原则;v. 成为……的原因,引起,促使,使发生
  3. poor [pu?] adj. 贫困的,贫穷的;低劣的,次等的;(身体)衰弱的;可怜的,不幸的
  4. feedback [?fi:db?k] n.反馈;反馈信息
  5. trust [tr?st] n. 信任,相信;托管;关怀;职责;v. 相信,信任
  1. i'd like to exchange this earphone. the tone quality is too bad.
  2. we can't accept the returning if there's no receipt.
  3. this shirt had lost its color after the first washing.
  4. we can change a new one for you.
  5. there's a quality problem with the shoes. they were broken so easily.
  6. would you like an exchange or a refund?
  您是想要换货还是退货? ↑返回顶部↑
