01 购物准备(2 / 3)

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  1. cereal [?si?ri?l] n. 麦片粥;谷类植物,谷物
  2. advertise [??dv?taiz] v. 广告,宣传,(给……)做广告宣传
  3. silly [?sili] adj. 搞笑的,逗乐的;糊涂的
  4. vitamin [?vit?min] n. 维生素
  1. we need to buy some vitamin b.
  vitamin 维生素,又名维他命,是维持人体生命活动必须的一类有机物质,也是保持人体健康的重要活性物质,在人体生长、代谢、发育过程中发挥着重要的作用。维生素在体内的含量很少,但不可或缺。如果长期缺乏某种维生素,就会引起生理机能障碍而发生某种疾病。一般由食物中摄取,所以避免缺乏维生素的最好方法就是要饮食均衡。
  2. my skirt is too old for me. please buy me a new one.
  3. the food is not enough in our refrigerator. it's time to go shopping now.
  4. we need to buy two dozens of eggs this time for cooking the cakes.
  5. is there any more we need to buy?
  6. take this shopping list so that we can choose the goods more easily in the market.
  bob wants to buy some daily supplies and clothes after work, but he doesn't know where to buy.
  bob: is there any shopping malls nearby,joy?
  joy: well, this is the central area of the city.we are in the residential area now. there is a grocery store just 50 meters ahead. many stores are in the commercial area.
  bob: i need to buy some daily supplies and some clothes.
  joy: well, the business square on the left side of the bank has more than 100 stores in it, including four major department stores.
  乔伊:银行左边的商业广场里有100多家商铺。包括四家主要的百货商店。 ↑返回顶部↑
