01 购物准备(1 / 3)

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  01 购物准备
  helen is of today and she intends to go shopping with her mother.
  mom: honey, shall we go shopping this afternoon?
  helen: that's great. mom, look at my shoes. they're worn out. i need a new pair.
  mom: ok, what else?
  helen: we don't have any milk now. i think we should buy some milk.
  mom: i know that. it's in the shopping list.
  helen: would you get some of that new cereal advertised on tv?
  mom: which one?
  helen: you know…the one with the funny vitamin baby on the bag.
  mom: oh, you mean “kikies”?
  helen: yeah. that's the one.
  mom: well, i got it. let's go to the supermarket.
  notes ↑返回顶部↑
