01 社会热点(3 / 9)

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  susan: yes, there should be a balance between supply and demand.
  david: good words, everything should be like this.
  1. applicant [??plik?nt] n. 申请人
  2. candidate [?k?ndideit] n. 申请求职者;投考者;候选人
  3. proper [?pr?p?] adj. 适合的,正当的;固有的;严格意义的
  4. disappointment [?dis??p?intm?nt] n. 失败,挫折
  5. fault [f?:lt] n. 缺点;错误,过错
  6. supply [s??plai] n. 供应;v. 供给,满足
  1. government should implement policies to improve the employment rate.
  2. companies should value the talents and knowledge of the graduates.
  3. the graduates should face their weak points and improve themselves to be competitive.
  the college entrance examination is coming.irene and lillian are discussing it during their break time.
  irene: the dark june is coming soon for the high school students.
  lillian: yeah, the college entrance examination is just around the corner. how about the studying of your child, irene?
  irene: it is not stable of his marks. sometime he can rank the first in his class. but another time his performance is rather unsatisfactory.
  lillian: this indicates that he is a very clever and talented student. ↑返回顶部↑
