02 喜怒哀乐(4 / 15)

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  niki seems very angry. what happened?
  niki: lillian has already pissed me off. i can't bear her any more.
  ken: oh, just sit down on the sofa and cool down.
  niki: she lost her cell phone. but she doubted that i had stolen it. she even wanted to search my handbag this morning.
  ken: you took out all the things in the handbag and showed them to her, and then you went out and slammed the door. is that right?
  niki: how did you know that?
  ken: that's what i'm going to talk with you.lillian told me everything that happened with you. she felt very sorry and wanted to apologize to you. she didn't come because she knew you must be very angry with her.
  niki: of course i'm angry.
  ken: so she expressed her apology through me. she said she was too anxious at that time and hoped you could forgive her.
  niki: ok, i forgive her for the sake that we are best friends.
  1. piss off 使厌烦,使生气;滚开
  2. cool down 平静下来;冷却,变凉
  3. handbag [?h?ndb?g] n.(女用)手提包,手提袋
  4. slam [sl?m] v. 砰地关上(门或窗);n. 猛然关闭的声音
  5. apologize [??p?l?d?aiz] v. 道歉
  6. apology [??p?l?d?i] n. 道歉;认错,愧悔
  7. for the sake 为了,为了……起见,看在……的份上 ↑返回顶部↑
