02 喜怒哀乐(15 / 15)

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  susan: ok, thanks for your advice.
  1. no less than不少于,不亚于
  2. creation[kri?ei??n] n. 创造,创建,创造物;作品;产物;宇宙,天地万物
  3. put forward提出,提议
  4. utilize[?ju:tilaiz] v. 利用,使用,运用
  5. innovative[?in?uveitiv] adj. 新发明的,新引进的,革新的;有改革精神的,乐于引进新观念的
  6. innovative person创新型人才
  1. that guy is always wise about his own conceit.
  2. he's an arrogant little twit!
  3. pride goes before, and shame comes after.
  4. he is bloated with pride.
  pride swells his heart.
  he is big with pride.
  5. he that is proud eats up himself.
  6. i have been pride of you.
  7. he is too proud to take notice of others in our company.
  8. it's arrogant of you to say you can finish the plan on time without any hands.
  你自以为能独自按时完成这份企划案,未免太自大了。 ↑返回顶部↑
