05 网上购物(2 / 6)

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  1. it is a very convenient way to shop online.
  2. we should visit different shopping sites to make a comparison.
  3. could you recommend me some reputable shopping sites?
  4. you can find almost any goods you want on the internet.
  5. this is the largest and safest online shopping site.
  6. i want to buy a train ticket on the internet. could you help me with it?
  sometimes online shopping is sometimes full of traps. here is the advice of jerry to sally.
  sally: i like the shoes with white and green color on the website and i'm going to buy it. do you know how to pay for them, jerry?
  jerry: you need to open an online bank account. and there should be some money in your account.
  sally: if i buy that pair of shoes, the website will deduct the money automatically?
  jerry: yes, then the seller will deliver the goods to you.
  sally: but is it safe enough? what if i pay for the goods, the seller doesn't deliver them to me?
  jerry: that's a good question, sally. your awareness of safety is rather good.
  sally: is there any ways to avoid this? ↑返回顶部↑
