05 网上购物(1 / 6)

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  05 网上购物
  online shopping is very popular now. jimmy and white are discussing it in the office.
  jimmy: i heard that online shopping is cheaper than going to the shop, is that right?
  white: yes. and it is more convenient. you needn't to go outside for shopping. you click the mouse, then the goods will be delivered to your door immediately.
  jimmy: i'm not very familiar with it. could you help me buy a new mobile phone?
  white: sure, i'll search it for you. here is the website. this is a famous online shopping website, very trustworthy. i often shop on it.
  jimmy: there are so many phones. i think that black one is good.
  white: ok, we can click here to get the details of this phone.
  jimmy: that's just what i want. how long will it be sent here if i buy it?
  white: well, generally it is no more than three days.
  jimmy: that's good. i'll buy this one.
  1. click [klik] v. 点击(鼠标);发出咔嚓声;n. 咔嗒声,咔嚓声
  2. immediately [i?mi:di?tli] adv. 直接地;立即,马上
  3. familiar [f??milj?] adj. 熟悉的,通晓的;冒昧的;随便的
  4. trustworthy [?tr?st?w?:ei] adj. 值得信赖的,可靠的
  5. detail [?di:teil] n. 细目,细节,各种细节,详情;小事
  6. generally [?d?en?r?li] adv. 一般地,通常,大体上;广泛地,普遍地 ↑返回顶部↑
