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  1. jazz music
  2. rock music
  3. michael jackson
  迈克尔 ·杰克逊是世界乐坛极具影响力的一名歌手。被誉为“流行音乐之王”。他的歌迷遍布世界各地,其个人演唱会总是场场爆满,他那独特的风格和舞步更是让无数的明星纷纷效仿。2009年6月26日,据传因其私人医生注射镇静剂过量而导致他心脏病突发逝世。世界各地的歌迷用不同的方式怀念着这位巨星。
  there is something wrong with tayor's dvd player. is that so?
  泰勒的dv d机出问题了,真是那样吗?
  tayor: there's something wrong with the dvd player that i bought yesterday.
  seller: what's wrong with it? we tested it yesterday. it worked rather well.
  tayor: i know that. this morning i rent a vcd disk in a digital shop. i played it on the player. but it didn't work.
  seller: ok, i will check it for you.
  (several minutes later…)
  seller: there's nothing wrong with the player, sir. you see, it runs well with our disk.
  tayor: then what's the problem?
  seller: the problem must be caused by your vcd disk. this player can't play the disks with inferior quality.
  tayor: oh, i know.
  seller: next time you rent the disks, please make sure that they are real and intact. ↑返回顶部↑
