03 购物地点(3 / 9)

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  jack: the world of flowers we're in. i want to buy all of them.
  tom: come on, guy. different flowers represent different meanings.
  jack: that's right. how about this bunch of roses?
  tom: i think it's very exquisite, nice as a present.
  1. lunar [?lu:n?] adj. 月的,月球的;按阴历的
  2. valentine [?v?l?ntain] n. 情人;心爱的人在情人节赠送给情人的礼物(或情人卡)
  3. bunch [b?nt?] n. 束;串;捆;群;v.(使)……成束
  4. exquisite [?ekskwizit] adj. 精致的,精美的;敏感的,细致的
  1. chinese valentine's day. 中国情人节,七夕节。
  2. come on, guy. 别闹了,伙计。
  come on 是英语口语使用频率颇高的词汇。不同的场合代表不同的意思。主要有表示请求、鼓励、催促、责备、不耐烦、挑战或激怒对方、加油等。
  3. could you please pack these flowers?
  4. these flowers are very suitable to decorate our room.
  5. these flowers are enough. we needn't to buy so many.
  brown is on business in china. he wants to buy some souvenirs with chinese feature.
  seller: can i help you, sir? ↑返回顶部↑
