03 购物地点(1 / 9)

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  03 购物地点
  mary and nancy want to look around in a mall.
  mary: slow down, nancy. i'm so tired that i'm going to fall apart.
  nancy: come on. tomorrow i will act as the bridesmaid at my friend's wedding. i want to make myself up and show a new different appearance to others.
  mary: oh…so that's why you asked me to help you shop for new clothes?
  nancy: yeah. you know about style and can tell me what looks good.
  mary: you can count on me. hey, how about this skirt? it goes with your figure very well.
  nancy: really? you're the boss. i'll take this one.
  mary: i think you need some cosmetics to powder your face and you also should change a new hairstyle.
  nancy: great idea. the cosmetics are on the third floor. let's get there.
  mary: i'm feeling tired. let's take the elevator.
  1. bridesmaid [?braidzmeid] n. 女傧相,伴娘
  2. appearance [??pi?r?ns] n. 外观;外貌,外表;出现,露面
  3. figur [?fig?] n.身材;轮廓;肖像;数字;v. 被提及,计算在内;估计,料想
  4. cosmetic [k?z?metik] n. 化妆品;adj. 化妆用的,美容的;装点门面的
  5. elevator [?eliveit?] n. 电梯,升降机
  6. powder [?paud?] v. 在……上面搽粉,上妆;n. 粉,粉末 ↑返回顶部↑
