02 购物过程(2 / 7)

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  1. suitable [?sju:t?bl] adj. 适当的,适宜的;恰当的
  2. pink [pi?k] adj. 粉红色的,淡红色的;n. 粉红色
  3. childish [?t?aildi?] adj. 孩子的,孩子气的,孩子所特有的;幼稚的
  4. size [saiz] n. 大小,尺寸;(衣服)尺码
  1. i like this clothes. may i try it on?
  2. where is the fitting room, please?
  3. the shirt suits your jeans well.
  4. this one is small for you. a larger size would be better.
  5. how about this red sweater? is it beautiful on me?
  6. i like myself in the mirror.
  may wants to buy a dust coat with a lower cost online.
  may: hi. do you have this dust coat in stock?
  seller: hi. yes, what size do you want?
  may: large. do you have any other colors?
  seller: yes, there are three colors: grey,black and white. but the only size we have left in black is large.
  may: good, black is what i want…can you lower the price a little bit? ↑返回顶部↑
